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Monday, 3 February 2014

Information from the biology talks.

Window farms take up very little space and don't require a lot of land.

They are usually grown in small boxes, bottles or even pots, and because they are in such small containers, they can grow easily in the wildest places.

it is true that some people use recycled water for their window farms but not just recycled water, but water from fish bowls.

  • when you grow your plants in the ground = more space/ less work
  • when you grow your plants in a pot = less space/ more work.( as you have to keep your eye on it and meet its needs)
When you work with vertical gardens it is easy to make it very fashionable, because there is not a lot of land used, meaning you can focus on minor detail.

 Although plants will only successfully grow if the Roots are kept in the dark e.g. a black tray, black soil, black wrapping ect.

It is essential that you always grow what you want to eat!

this is a picture of plants being grown on the roof of a bus.

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